PHONE 404.713.3283
1000 Parkwood Cir., S.E., Ste. 220
Atlanta, GA 30339
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions knowledge base. This section is based upon questions asked by our current clients as well as prospective clients whom we've consulted with as they began their search for an experienced, qualified attorney to assist them with their legal issues. We hope you'll be able to find some answers to your questions here.
Q: Should I be worried if Government investigators are reviewing emails and text messages at my workplace or on my home computers?
Answer: In a word, yes! Digital activity is evidence in criminal cases. How can you limit your exposure and protect your interests in an investigation? Attorney Bill Dillon explains:
"Moore's Law is making it so that computers are gathering more and more data - twice as much data every couple of years as they were before. This means that there is twice as much of a paper trail of all your digital activity as there was two years before, and two years before that. So every thought that we have and we commit to an email or text message is floating around out there, and it's subject to being captured by the Justice Department. In of the world of corporate America, where so many of us live and work, it means that it’s discoverable for purposes of evidence. It's those little bits and bytes that the FBI uses to put together these white collar cases now. Investigators can review gigs of data to discern what alleged co-conspirators have said to each other, via email and text, over the course of years. They use this information to obtain indictments and make white collar cases against employees, executives, and corporations."
Bill Dillon worked for decades as a white collar prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice, and now serves as Managing Partner at Dillon Law Group in Atlanta GA. Bill knows exactly what corporate officers need to know when the government opens an investigation for anything from Antitrust Matters, Health Care Fraud, SEC Violations, Wire Fraud, Bribery & FCPA.
"Most importantly...consult experienced counsel PRIOR to speaking with investigators!"
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The Dillon Law Group, 1000 Parkwood Cir., S.E., Ste. 220 Atlanta, GA 30339 404.713.3283
Q: Is there an experienced antitrust attorney in Atlanta that I can consult with if I am connected to an Antitrust investigation?
Answer: If you have already received a subpoena or a target letter in an antitrust matter, or your employer is under investigation, don’t delay. Businesses and individuals can become entangled in antitrust investigations and face charges of price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation. The Sherman Antitrust Act bans unfair competition and monopolies in restraint of interstate commerce. The Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. § 1) makes bid rigging and price fixing felony criminal violations, that carry up to ten years in prison and potentially millions of dollars in fines. Criminal antitrust conspiracies, such as bid rigging and price fixing, are investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division (“DOJ”), which has the power to investigate domestically and internationally. In a similar fashion, the Federal Trade Commission Act bans unfair trade practices and is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”). The FTC often uncovers conspiracy matters that it refers to the DOJ for criminal investigation and prosecution.
If you are connected to antitrust matter, whether you’ve been charged or not, you should immediately contact an experienced attorney, such as those with the Dillon Law Group. We have decades of experience in conducting antitrust investigations, both as federal prosecutors and as defense attorneys. They use their experience to the benefit of our clients. Experience is your best line of defense in complicated antitrust matters.
Click HERE to learn more about how antitrust investigations unfold.
Who are our antitrust defense team members?
The Dillon Law Group, 1000 Parkwood Cir., S.E., Ste. 220 Atlanta, GA 30339 404.713.3283
Q: My bank has frozen my accounts for what they claim are fraudulent transfers and has refused to return the balance in the account to me. I have contested the matter, and the bank has indicated that it will refer the matter to law enforcement. Should I retain an attorney?
Answer: You should consult with an attorney any time there is a criminal investigation relating to your business or to your bank account. There are numerous business opportunities open to people with tech skills or internet savvy. Many of these opportunities pay well and are completely legitimate, but some may not be. If your bank has frozen your accounts or sent you a letter indicating that they suspect that the account is being used for fraudulent purposes, then it is likely that the bank will be reporting the account activity to law enforcement. If the amount involved is significant, the bank may refer it to the FBI or the U.S. Secret Service – which will investigate the matter for purposes of a federal wire fraud case. It is also possible that the bank will call the local sheriff’s office or district attorney – which will investigate the matter for violations of Georgia law, such as theft, credit card fraud or aggravated identity theft.
If your bank has indicated that it believes your account has been used in furtherance of fraud then, at some point, you will be contacted by the police or a federal agent. You do not have to speak to law enforcement officers and should carefully consider the option of delaying that conversation until after you have consulted with an experienced attorney. It may be possible to resolve the dispute with your bank without involving the criminal system – but if you speak to the police then you almost guarantee that it will become a criminal matter, as well.
The better strategy may be to consult with an attorney, review the facts and the records, and then work on a strategy going forward that minimizes your risk of exposure to the criminal system and carefully addresses whatever financial misunderstanding you have with your bank. An experienced attorney can protect your interests without further entangling you in the legal system – this is particularly important when a criminal investigation is looming on the horizon. If your bank, or other financial institution, indicates that your accounts have been used in furtherance of a fraudulent scheme call us at 404.713.3283 to see if we can be of assistance.
"Most importantly...consult experienced counsel PRIOR to speaking with investigators!"
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