Digging Yourself Out of Legal Sinkholes
We've all heard it said that one should never speak to investigators without an attorney present. There's a good reason for that. In...
Corporate America Today: Is Anyone Safe?
Digital Activity is Evidence in Criminal Cases. What is your exposure in an investigation and when should you be concerned? Listen in as...
Go to Trial or Make a Deal?
When you're charged with a crime, guilty or not, going to court may not be your best alternative. Sometimes cooperating and doing so...
When the DOJ Investigates the Company You Work for...What Will They Find on YOUR Devices?
WHEN TECHNOLOGY WORKS AGAINST US... As part of an investigation into corporate corruption, the government can look at all the data...
Who Is Vulnerable In White Collar Criminal Investigations
White Collar Criminal Investigations can appear from nowhere. Limit your exposure or damage by contacting an experienced lawyer before you
Dillon Law Group, LLC: White Collar Guidance (Navigating the Perils of White Collar Matters)
If you are an officer or executive of a corporation, your exposure is likely at a high level. Know what to do if the FBI shows up in your o